Wigwam and War-path or The Royal Chief In Chains
Wigwam and War-path or The Royal Chief In Chains

Wigwam and War-path or The Royal Chief In Chains
Wigwam and War-path or The Royal Chief in Chainsby Hon Meacham
Published by John P. Dale and Company, 1875., Boston, 1875 First edition. Second and Revised edition. Thick 8vo. Cloth boards,
Meacham served as chairman of the Modoc War Peace Commission, and Cowan notes that "this work on the Modoc War was written by a most competent author on the subject, making this volume of great historic value." The illustrations are portraits of the principals in the war, as well as "Spirited and Life-like Engravings, of actual scenes from Modoc Indian life, as witnessed by the author." Six Guns 1475 says: "Has much on Captain Jack, the Modoc outlaw." Hardcover. First Edition. Very good in its original, red-brown, cloth covered, beveled boards with gilt and black text and decorations on the spine and on the front board with clay coated end sheets.