British Colonies in North America from the best Authorities 1797
British Colonies in North America from the best Authorities 1797

British Colonies in North America from the best Authorities 1797
1797 - British Colonies in North America from the best Authorities
A finely engraved map covering all of Canada and Alaska, as well as the northern United States and Great Lakes. Alaska's coastline is beginning to take shape and locates Cook's River, Prince Williams Sound, Bristol Bay, and Norton Sound. In the far north of Yukon is the notation "The Sea seen by Mr. McKenzie in 1789" and further east another says "The Sea seen by Mr. Hearn in 1771." The map hints at a Northwest Passage with a complex network of rivers and lakes, but all mapped waters end at the Stony Mountains. Published in 1798 by Dilly and Robinson.
Hand-colored. This map truly demonstrates how important the rivers were for exploring North America, as most of the knowledge on this map is along the coast or a river. Includes information about Indiginous people locations. Maine is quite small, a reflection of the British claims.